
How to Help Someone Who Can’t Stop Drinking?

Drinking alcohol to some extent is okay but if the person is unable to control the quantity of alcohol intake per day it is risky. When alcohol consumption puts people’s health and safety at risk it is advisable to derive various other ways in which one controls this addiction.

Denial is common with a person having a drinking problem in most cases. People fail to relate the problems in their life with the addiction to alcohol. Many people with this condition will not be willing to go to alcohol addiction treatment centers because they don’t even know that they have drinking problems.

Major Symptoms:

Alcohol addiction can be classified as mild, moderate, and even severe depending on the number of symptoms and the level of their alcohol intake. Few of those symptoms include

  • People spend most of their time with alcohol. Either they drink it, or buy it or they spend time and money to recover from it.
  • People always feel a strong urge to drink alcohol almost every day.
  • They give up social activities and hobbies solely for drinking more alcohol.
  • Few people experience withdrawal symptoms like nausea, sweating, and shaking when they stop drinking suddenly.
  • Alcohol addiction makes people drink in social situations where they are not supposed to drink like driving or swimming or social functions.

How to talk to someone about their drinking?

When trying to talk to people and suggesting they join an alcohol addiction treatment center few things should be taken into consideration.

1.      Choose the time correctly.

The person with alcohol addiction should be calm and focused and should not be drinking when the motivator speaks with the addict. The place where this happens should be quiet and private without any interruptions or distractions.

2.      Express concerns in a caring way.

While expressing concern about the addict’s health and drinking problem, they always have to remain neutral and compassionate. The tone they use should never be judging but always caring.

3.      Encourage them to open up.

Try to find the reasons why they are taking alcohol. The reasons may be stress, anxiety, boredom, loneliness and sometimes people start drinking for fun as well.

4.      Arrange a family intervention.

The below things should be avoided when trying to help someone stop drinking alcohol.

1.      Motivators should not take any negative reactions personally.

The alcohol addict will always deny the fact that they have a problem with drinking and may speak hurtful words against the motivator.

2.      Do not try to threaten, punish, or bribe the addict.

Whenever emotional threats and ultimatums are given to the addict, they will always feel more stressed and instead of avoiding drinking, they consume more.


When the person who needs help is not in a state to accept to go to an alcohol addiction treatment center even after multiple trials never accept defeat. Sit along with them and call a helpline number for advice.

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